I think that every single day we are able to change and be better then the day before but today is possible a little more special because we are able to make goals that span longer then just a day. This day is fresh and clean, it is a new start. Just the beginning. So here I am sitting in a place I've never been hoping to make this year something better then the last. Thank heavens there is so much to improve upon. I've never much talked about total personal life stuff but today is the day right? Remember but always keep going.
1. Learning what is best for me
2. Getting to know the girls in my ward
3. Writing off my best friend so he could focus on the most important thing
4. Applying for summer jobs, Aspen Grove and Helaman Halls. Lucky enough to choose
5. A new sister came into my life, full of light and joy for our entire family Boom Emery Christine Peterson 4.5.10
6. Foot surgery, bye bye Paul
7. A new boyfriend
8. A summer of hard work and adventure at Aspen Grove
9. My best friend Lauren Rae Olsen got married
10. I got a car
11. I went home and to California with some good times with other people's families
12. Ended things and learned what it truly is like to listen to the spirit and know what to do, feeling clear direction in my life and learning Heavenly Father will never lead me astray
13. Robot Unicorn Attack and an awesome Halloween
14. Jerusalem, friends and a desire
15. Writing letters
16. Abnormal Psychology
17. My hardest semester yet at BYU
18. Making new friends
19. Thanksgiving
20. Christmas with my family and a bomb diggity family, Nativity Scene
21. New Years in California, lucky to meet one amazing family
22. That brings me to my New Year. I'm so grateful for all that I have been so blessed with. I can't stop thanking my Heavenly Father for the amazing family I have been given and this year I hope to treat them better then ever. I don't want to take anything for granted. What a joy it is to be continually learning so much, about myself and about the world around me.